What’s The #1 Reason People Don’t Get Health Insurance?

Hint: it’s also the #1 reason why you should.
December 7, 2022

What is the #1 reason that people don’t get health insurance? 

Cost. And it’s not even close. A survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that coverage not being affordable accounted for 73.7% of the responses.

The thing is, cost also happens to be the biggest reason why you should get health insurance. Going without insurance means taking a big risk that could be much more expensive than paying for coverage.

If you get sick or hurt, and you need medical care but lack insurance, then you may face costs that are far higher than those of paying for your health insurance premiums. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US, according to the National Consumer Law Center

It’s currently Open Enrollment, which is the one time of year to get, change, or renew your coverage. It ends on December 15 for plans that start January 1. If you miss this period, then you can’t get insurance for all of 2023 unless you have a qualifying life event.

Fortunately, there are ways to save money on coverage. If you’re buying your own insurance, tax credits are available to save you serious cash.

Nine out of 10 people who buy their own coverage on the marketplace saved an average of $524 per month in 2022. In other words, the vast majority of people buying their own coverage saved over $6,000 per year thanks to tax credits.

Not sure how to get these tax credits yourself? Catch can help. Catch uses technology to make sure you get every credit you deserve.

Catch makes it easy to sign up, too. Another reason people don’t get insurance? Almost 20% of survey respondents said signing up for coverage was too difficult or confusing. 

With Catch, you can get an ACA-compliant plan and save hundreds on your coverage, all online or within the app. No clunky government websites, no long wait times on the phone, and no mailing forms to the IRS yourself.

Remember: you have until December 15 to get a plan that starts January 1. Don’t delay. Get covered, because skipping insurance can be a lot more expensive than paying for it.