Beat the Deadline, Get Covered before January 15!

If you miss this final window for getting health insurance, you might be stuck without coverage for all of 2023
January 11, 2023

If you’re buying your own health insurance for 2023, you need to act fast. 

You only have a few days left to sign up for health insurance.  In most states,* the deadline is January 15. 

Don’t go without coverage. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. Sure, it might cost some to buy insurance, but it won’t cost you anywhere near as much as it will if something unfortunate happens and you don’t have coverage. 

Luckily, signing up is easier than you might think, and you can get a plan that fits your specific needs. 

Maybe you want a lower premium, or you want a large network of providers. Catch can help. You can shop and compare plans online or within the Catch app, then actually enroll within minutes.

Even better, you’re likely to be eligible for tax credits that could save you thousands of dollars per year on your premiums. Almost 90% of people buying their insurance qualify for an average of over $6,000 per year in savings. Catch makes sure you get every credit that you’re qualified for.

Enrolling in coverage is fast, keeps you protected, and can save you money. What’s not to like? Don’t miss the window to make sure you’re covered for the entire year. January 15 is the deadline! Sign up now.

[*] The following states have different deadlines for Open Enrollment:

  • Idaho: December 15

  • Massachusetts: January 23

  • California: January 31

  • New Jersey: January 31

  • New York: January 31

  • Rhode Island: January 31

  • Washington, DC: January 31